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Chinese translation for "application amount"


Related Translations:
estimated amounts:  预算造价
applications:  留学申请相关入学申请申请区应用领域主动式文件应用程序
application requirement:  报名资格
application piston:  操纵活塞作用活塞
general application:  普通施用
application consistency:  使用稠度
heat application:  热供应
application controller:  应用控制器
carbondioxide application:  二氧化碳施用
Example Sentences:
1.The total application amount exceeds hk 2 , 315 million
2.Application amount of the notes
3.Showing the application amount over a range of the subscription amount of the notes
4.Table on application amount for upcoming non - competitive tender of exchange fund notes
5.The issue was well received by retail investors with total application amount of hk 1 , 090 million
是次零售按揭证券获一般投资者踊跃认购,申购总额为10 . 9亿港元。
6.The effect of different application amount and allocation mode of organic manure on the yield of wheat and peanut
7.Table on application amount for the tender of 2 - year exchange fund notes to be held on friday , 11 aug 2006
8.Table on application amount for the tender of 2 - year exchange fund notes to be held on friday , 13 may 2005
9.Table on application amount for the tender of 2 - year exchange fund notes to be held on tuesday , 13 feb 2007
10.Table on application amount for the tender of 2 - year exchange fund notes to be held on wednesday , 10 feb 2006
Similar Words:
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